08.10 - 12.11.1980 


08.10 - 12.11.1980
8 Oct. David Weston: Is Philosophy Useful?
 9 Oct. Stefan Andersson: Some Reflections on Theory Construction
10 Oct. Bernard Gabe: Philosophy as Description and Understanding
11 Oct. Stefan Bjork: What is Esthetics?
4 Oct. Stanislav Ustar: Regarding Love
15 Oct. Philippe Daudi: Power and Knowledge
17 Oct. Marie Sjoberg: Body and Mind in Psychology
18 Oct. Jan-Torsten Ahlstrand: Current Ideas in Art and Architecture Evident at the Biennale in Venice 
22 Oct. Olle Qvarnstrôm: The Seven Orthodox Philosophical Systems in India 
24 Oct. Sergio Stuparich: The New French Philosophers
25 Oct. Per-Erik Ljung: Existence and Writings. Concerning the Author Vilhelm Ekelund
29 Oct. René Kieffer: The Origin of Sartre's Existentialism
30 Oct. Bernard Gabe: Linguistic Hermeneutics and Grammatology
31 Oct. Benkt-Erik Benktson: The Concept of Time in Heidegger's "Sein und Zeit" 
3 Nov. Lee Heyer: Positivism and Phenomenology as Views of Reality
5 Nov. Svante Nordin: New Perspectives Concerning Wittgenstein
6 Nov. Tryggve Emond: Reflections on Artistic Value
7 Nov. Bernard Gabe: The Phenomenology of Communication 
10 Nov. Lennart Olsson: The Idea of World Federation
12 Nov. Lars Bjarne: Hinduism Versus Buddhism